Customer Service and frequently asked questions (f.a.q.)
Do you have an account with NurseOClock? Go to "My Account" to check the status of your order, download invoices and change your profile details. Below you will find the most frequently asked questions (faq) and other important information. If you can not find the answer to your question, please don't hesitate to contact us NurseOClock. The Customer Services team of NurseOClock will answer any questions within 48 hours on working days and do their best to help! |
You will find more information on the General and profile pages. | You will find more information about general information on the General and contact pages. | |||
You will find more information about orders and your order status on the Order Procedure page. | You will find more information about Payments on the Payment Methods page. | |||
You will find more information about our assortment, stock and prices on the Assortment, stock and prices and Prices & Shipping Costs pages. | You will find more information about our engraving service on the Engraving Service page. | |||
You will find more information about delivery times on the Delivery time and shipping methods page. | You will find more information about business and special orders on the Big and Group Orders and Special orders & B2B pages. |
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